Dr. Sunny Hu, PhD, HCLD
Board Certified in Bioanalysis
Graduated from Jilin University in China with undergraduate and graduate degrees in biological science in animal reproduction and Veterinary medicine. Obtained doctoral degree in health science from Nova Southeastern University in Florida.
Certified by American Board of Bioanalysis as a High Complexity Laboratory Director in Embryology and Andrology. Licensed as Florida Clinical Laboratory Director in Embryology and Andrology.
Member of professional organizations including American Society for Reproductive Medicine, College of American Pathologist (CAP Inspector), American Associate of Bioanalysis, American Association of Tissue Banks, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.
Years of infertility laboratory experiences both directing and performing senior technical procedures in the areas of embryology, andrology, and endocrinology. The first in the nation utilizing the embryo morphology score system to maximizing pregnancy rates and limit higher multiple birth rates. The first in the nation applying non-selective assisted hatching technique on in vitro cultured embryos prior to clinical transfer. Pioneer and specialized in developing and utilizing animal and human cell lines for co-culture of human embryos in vitro to improve pregnancy outcomes. Specialized in human in vitro fertilization performing micromanipulation including ICSI, embryo biopsy, and assisted hatching. Specialized in blastocyst culture, oocyte and embryo vitrification. Specialized in in vitro fertilization and blastocyst culture with zona free eggs. Years of research experiences resulted in publications in numerous scientific journals. Dedicated to utilize her skills helping her patients.
Happily married to Charlie with a daughter, Wendy. Enjoys singing, dancing, and Chinese QiGong including Six-Character, Five Animal Character, and Tai Chi.