Dr. Fox Will Ease my Pain

After undergoing surgery with Dr. Fox in 1998, I moved out of state. There I went through roughly 13 IVF cycles and 3 miscarriages.

Another doctor performed a laparoscopy in early 2005 and removed my left tube. After more failed treatment, I began having pain again and was referred to a gynecologist who recommended I consider a full hysterectomy. I am only 40 years old and would like to keep my organs as long as possible. My gynecologist told me that no one in the state would attempt a laparoscopy on me given my history.

After reading Dr. Fox’s operative report my physicians said Dr. Fox did more for me than many could and referred me back to him. I am encouraged with Dr. Fox’s experience that he will be willing to do a laparoscopy and only a hysterectomy as a last resort. I am now eagerly awaiting my surgery with Dr. Fox and look forward to the pain resolution I know he can bring.

– Diane


Take Mesmerized and combine it with Hope and you have “Foxatized”

I was condemned to a childless future with imminent Hysterectomy and no options when I landed in Dr. Fox’s office on January 9, 2009. Three weeks later, I had my second surgery in 6 weeks and my whole life changed. For the first time in my history of 4 surgeries, I had a pain free and vomit free post surgical period. Fear of these complications had paralyzed me in the past but with Dr. Fox’s expert care, these were a thing of the past.

I can ever thank him enough or say enough to express my gratitude for what he has done for me. I am now a believer in the Michael Fox way. As I tell everyone in his office and anyone else who will listen, I have been “Foxatized!”

Michael Fox is The Doctor’s Doctor. He brings hope and promise to situations others deem hopeless. Thanks to him now I have a chance – the one thing I did not have before seeing Dr. Fox.

Maryam Pasha, MD

You Changed my Life

My life changed forever when I turned thirteen years old. I began having severe, crippling migraines that left me literally deaf, dumb and blind. My migraines ultimately mimic or mirror stroke symptoms. With the migraines followed severe abdominal pain and very heavy periods. Throughout my teen years my migraines and abdominal pain were unbearable. I would have periods so bad that I wouldn’t be able to stand up, I would literally lay on the floor, vomit, shake from low blood pressure and bleed. This happened to me several times between the ages of sixteen and eighteen. During my teen years, I consulted with many different doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and family doctors. I was either ignored, told it was all in my head, I was too young to have such pain or I was put on birth control.

At the age of twenty-three, I was exhausted and quite ill all the time; I was so frustrated because no one would listen to me. Then one of my regular doctors handed me a pamphlet on the endometriosis association; he speculated that i may have endometriosis but had never looked into it. I called their hotline and asked for a specialist in my state, the gave me the name of Dr. Michael Fox in Jacksonville, FL. I made an appointment immediately and within a few hours of seeing Dr Fox and his staff, I finally had a diagnosis and surgery was imminent. I had endometriosis, three hernias, some blockage of my fallopian tubes and lesions on my lower intestine. Granted, I was nervous before my surgery, but the results were amazing. For the first time in ten years, I woke up a different person. I felt health almost immediately despite the fact that I was sore from the surgery.

My recovery is slow and I’m alright with that. I can honestly say that my life has been restored. I have energy, I’m completely migraine free, and I have absolutely no abdominal pain. I have seen a significant difference in my periods as well. They’re much lighter and went from seven to ten days down to only four days. I really owe it to Dr Fox and his team for giving me my life back. I never thought i would ever feel healthy again; I am truly thankful.

This is my story ~ Dana Blagdan