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Nonhormonal Drugs Show Promise For Treating Menopausal Hot Flashes As Effectively As Hormones, Researchers Say

Why is it that all of medicine defines menopause simply as "menopausal symptoms" confined primarily to vasomotor symptoms? This presents a medical dilemma whereby the severe estrogen deficiency symptoms that really matter are completely ignored. If menopause was all about hot flashes and night sweats, women could be tough and live through it since on

Nonhormonal Drugs Show Promise For Treating Menopausal Hot Flashes As Effectively As Hormones, Researchers Say2024-02-13T19:16:51+00:00

Women with irregular menstrual cycles may have greater risk of death before age 70

So what is it about women that give them a longer lifespan than men? A single word: Estrogen. Estrogen is cardioprotective, despite the government and the WHI's attempt to discredit this idea. there is also very suggestive evidence that it reduces the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. In our practice of reproductive medicine, we recognize that

Women with irregular menstrual cycles may have greater risk of death before age 702024-02-12T17:19:57+00:00

Maternal Cannabis Use During Pregnancy May Increase Psychotic-Like Behaviors In Children, Study Indicates

Here we go with what will be an epidemic of studies showing that marijuana and its synthetic cousins are a disaster for our population. It has been portrayed as "just pot" and nearly harmless. Pregnant women are using these substances in growing numbers and we are going to have downstream effects showing up for the

Maternal Cannabis Use During Pregnancy May Increase Psychotic-Like Behaviors In Children, Study Indicates2024-02-12T16:15:32+00:00

Should Endometriosis Be Treated Like Cancer?

Endometriosis is truly a debilitating disease for many and it may present in several different ways. The article brings up many good points and through my experience as an endometriosis surgeon and in reading the individual comments, it is truly something that can have a significant impact on the quality of life, whether one is

Should Endometriosis Be Treated Like Cancer?2024-02-05T17:09:58+00:00

September is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Awareness Month

September is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) awareness month. For this reason, I believe it is important to help educate women and improve awareness of this important condition that impacts the lives of so many. As sub-specialists, we see many women with difficulty conceiving, however, it is important to understand that this condition influences overall health

September is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Awareness Month2024-02-12T16:02:23+00:00

Breast Cancer Diagnosis May Quadruple Risk Of Diabetes And Metabolic Syndrome In Postmenopausal Women, Study Indicates

This studies' results clearly support the idea that insulin resistance (insulin elevation) is highly correlated with cancer. In a study like this, one cannot say that insulin causes cancer but overall the evidence is pointing in that direction. A quadrupling of the risk is a real association. We are not talking a 20% increase but

Breast Cancer Diagnosis May Quadruple Risk Of Diabetes And Metabolic Syndrome In Postmenopausal Women, Study Indicates2024-02-12T16:58:40+00:00

Occult or Hidden Inguinal Hernia as a Cause of Pelvic Pain in Women

Currently, in the U.S., there are fewer than five programs considering or offering treatment for inguinal hernias as a cause of pelvic pain in women. These hernias are called hidden because they are not appreciated on an exam, X-ray, or even visible initially on laparoscopy. This is a clinical syndrome that is diagnosed solely based

Occult or Hidden Inguinal Hernia as a Cause of Pelvic Pain in Women2024-02-12T17:00:52+00:00

What is Adenomyosis?

Physicians and patients are becoming more aware of the chronic disease endometriosis. What is getting ignored now is a disease that often accompanies endometriosis called adenomyosis. Adenomyosis: Endometrial cells located in the muscle wall of the uterus. All patients with endometriosis probably have some degree of adenomyosis. The pain with endometriosis is probably most often

What is Adenomyosis?2024-02-05T17:11:23+00:00

Understanding Endometriosis

We ask every patient if their period pain was worse than their peers in the teen years. The vast majority say they don't know because it was not discussed. Because so many times, endometriosis is hereditary, the mothers of younger patients with severe periods had the same themselves therefore they feel it is normal. The

Understanding Endometriosis2024-02-05T17:12:35+00:00
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